Response to LGOIMA request 2022-169 31 October 2022
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Request for information:
"1 Federated Farmers requests all information held by Greater Wellington Regional Council (GW), including any reports, advice, or correspondence, that was prepared for the purposes of Proposed Change 1 to the Regional Policy Statement for the Wellington Region (PC1) that relates to:
(a)regional climate change targets, including climate change targets for land transport, agriculture and forestry; and
(b) mechanisms other than PC1, including other statutory instruments created under the Resource Management Act 1991, for achieving regional climate change targets; and
(c) the economic implications of regional climate change targets.
2 Without limiting anything in paragraph 1, the above request includes:
(a) any reports, advice, or correspondence prepared for the purposes of PC1 given or received by GW to or from:
(i) any central government ministries or agencies, or Crown entities;1 and
(ii) any Minsters or Ministers’ offices;2 and
(b) any information prepared for the purposes of PC1, regardless of whether that information was used or relied upon when preparing PC1."