Response to LGOIMA request 2022-190 14 November 2022
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Request for information:
“What work, if any, has been undertaken looking at the value of expanding current ferry
I understand this is a broad question and open to some interpretation, but I am predominantly looking for reports, business cases or something more formally produced that looks at a proposal or assesses the value of expansion of services (as opposed to information, such as a public submission, that may have been considered). Also relevant here would be information that points to limitations of ferry services.
What projections exist for current and future ferry use in the Wellington network?
I note that there is an Annual monitoring report ( but this does not seem to break down transport use by mode. What I am looking for here is documentation on the costs, benefit-cost ratios, or business cases - whatever is easiest in providing general information here.
Do any reports exist comparing the value of ferry use to other forms of transport (such as cycling, buses, and private vehicles)?
And if so, what are these?
Is there an expected project timeline for restarting ferry services to Petone and Seatoun and, if this requires further work, what work (and what cost) and on what timeline?
Again, here I am looking for documentation in this space. If there is something like a business case that would be ideal.”