Response to LGOIMA request 2023-027 7 March 2023
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Request for information:
"I am seeking information on how Greater Wellington responded to each of the recommendations listed in the Appendix:
Appendix: PCE Report Recommendations
Report: Growing for Good (2004)
That local government pays particular attention to supporting and resourcing ICM initiatives when developing plans under the RMA, and annual plans and long-term council community plans under the LGA.
Report: Weaving resilience into our working lands: Recommendations for the future roles of native plants (2002)
To the Minister for the Environment Initiate, in partnership with local government, the development of mechanisms under the Resource Management Act 1991, that will provide greater certainty to landowners who invest in the establishment of new areas of native plants with the intention of undertaking commercial use.
Report: Creating Our Future: Sustainable development for New Zealand (2002)
That the Minister of Local Government, in consultation with Local Government New Zealand, develops guidelines for local authorities on preparing long-term community plans dealing with environmental, economic, social and cultural sustainability, as proposed under the Local Government Bill. Such guidelines should be consistent with the principles of Agenda 21
That the Minister of State Services, in consultation with the Minister of Local Government and Local Government New Zealand, identifies the capacity and capability issues associated with implementing sustainable development, and introduces methods to improve skills in integrating environmental, social and economic policy analysis and implementation.
Report: Wind Power, People and Place (2006)
We recommend that the Minister of Energy and the Minister for the Environment direct EEC and the Ministry For the Environment (MFE) to provide local authorities with guidance on planning for wind farm development and managing tensions related to landscapes and visual amenity. This guidance should include: guidelines to assist councils to develop specific objectives, policies, assessment criteria, and implementation measures to include in plans and policy statements further work by EECA to assist regional councils to use renewable resource inventories (for wind in particular) to develop regional strategies.
We recommend that regional councils take a leadership role in developing a proactive, strategic approach to wind power development.
We recommend that territorial local authorities (LAs), where appropriate, use the extend pre-hearing provisions of the Resource Management Act (s99) to clarify or resolve matters between parties before formal hearings.
We recommend that regional councils and territorial local authorities use the Long Term Council Community Plan process for gaining community input on the location, scale, and extent of wind farm development considered appropriate for the district or region.
We recommend that regional councils take a leadership role in landscape management that includes: identifying and describing outstanding and regionally significant landscapes and features; developing policy and suggested methods for managing regionally significant landscapes in regional policy statements; working with LAs to incorporate these policies into their plans.
Report: Investigation into the remediation of the contaminated site at Mapua
I recommend that national and regional policy-makers recognise that a containment strategy for many contaminated sites may be optimal environmentally as well as financially.”