Response to LGOIMA request 2023-038 28 March 2023
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Request for information:
"I would like a breakdown of mileage covered by buses operated by GWRC/Metlink and its contractors, specifically with regard to the proportion of kilometres travelled in revenue service vs for other purposes.
Ideally, this would include:
*Approximately 10 years of data, in yearly or monthly increments
*Separated by operator, including bus companies no longer operating GWRC routes.
*Total fleet km travelled
*Fleet km travelled in revenue service
*Fleet km travelled in repositioning for revenue service; e.g. travelling from a base to the start of a route or vice versa, or from the end of one route to the start of another while not in service
*Fleet km travelled for charter service
*Fleet km travelled for rail replacement service
*Fleet km travelled for operational reasons outside the above, such as repositioning between bases, or for overhaul/maintenance.
If the data or subsets is available but in other formats (e.g. separated by individual bus chassis, or on an hourly rather than km basis, I would prefer the original data where practical.
If some of this information is only held by the operators, I would appreciate you requesting it from them."
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