Response to LGOIMA request 2023-129 15 June 2023
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Request for information:
"- Number of times the number 39 bus has been cancelled since 1 January 2023. Please also specify at what time schedules those buses were cancelled for.
- Number of times the number 39 bus has "no-showed" since 1 January 2023, ie. Shown as uncancelled by Metlink in it's public media applications, but never actually running. Please also specify at what time schedules those buses "no-showed" for.
- Number of complaints logged about the number 39 bus since 1 January 2023, and the nature of those complaints.
- Internal correspondence about what is being done to alleviate cancellations or issues with the number 39 bus since 1 January 2023.
- Information about why the number 39 bus has had it's afternoon services reduced to two services, instead of four.
- Correspondence between Metlink and your office about ongoing issues with bus performance. I am particularly interested in correspondence which references the number 39 bus (you may be seeing a pattern, here)."
For a copy of the attachments relating to this request please email