Response to LGOIMA request 2023-164 19 July 2023
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Request for information:
"Funding to Public Transport Authorities (PTAs), including regional councils, to support operators participating in Total Mobility to install new/replace old wheelchair hoists is provided by Waka Kotahi through the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP). As part of developing the three-yearly NLTP, PTAs develop their public transport programme for inclusion in the NLTP. In preparing their public transport programmes, PTAs decide the size of their budget for hoist replacement and approving the NLTP, Waka Kotahi decides what level of co-investment in that activity it will approve.
Information provided by Waka Kotahi shows the funds allocated to Greater Wellington Regional Council as a PTA to install new/replace old wheelchair hoists for the period between July 2021 - June 2024 was $132,116.00. It also shows for the period July 2021-May 2023 $12,567.00 has been allocated (10%).
1) As a Public Transport Authroity what was the budget for the Total Mobility Scheme to install new/replace old wheelchair hoists for the 2021-2024 NLTP?
2) Was the full requested budget approved by Waka Kotahi as shown the NLTP?
3) Do you believe the remaining allocation will be used by the 31st June 2024?
4) Participants in the Total Mobility scheme can apply for a subsidy to install new/replace old wheelchair hoists. The subsidy is set at 60% of the total costs. The Waka Kotahi Funding Assistance Rate (FAR) paid to the PTA is 60 percent. Please clarify does Greater Wellington Regional Council make any financial contribution in the co-investment arrangement to install new/replace old wheelchair hoists?
5) What is the process that a participant in the Total Mobility Scheme must go through to receive the subsidy;
a) Can an application be fully approved prior to the vehicle being purchased and the hoist fitted?
b) If the subsidy is approved when is the funding released to the operator?
c) Is the operator or the vehicle contracted to the region for a specific time period and if yes what is that time period?
d) Does the vehicle model need to be approved and if so, what vehicle models are approved?
6) Have any of the participants been declined the subsidy and if so on what grounds?
7) As a Public Transport Authority have you surveyed the effectiveness of the Total Mobility service in particular wheelchair users? if yes please provide the results.
8) Does Greater Wellington Regional Council have complaints register to record complaints regarding transport service for the public who are mobility challenged? If there is a register how many complaints have been received in the last 5 years?
9) Has Greater Wellington Regional Council provided any funding to install new/replace old wheelchair hoists to organisations who are not an approved Total Mobility provider, but however carry mobility challenged persons e.g., Rest Homes, Community Groups?