Response to LGOIMA requests 2023-168 and 2023-169 21 July 2023
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Request for information:
"In relation to a LGOIMA request made to PCC on 27 July 2021, and subsequently transferred (in part) by PCC to GWRC, and in respect of a discharge of untreated wastewater to the Onepoto arm of Porirua Harbour on or about 18th and 20th July 2021. A previous request for information by me to GWRC was refused by Mr A Cross (GM - Environment Group) dated 16/08/2021. Mr Cross indicated that the information couldn't be provided because (at that time) the discharge was the subject of investigation with related collation of documents and correspondence by GWRC. I note that is now more than 2 years ago, so I presume that GWRC has collated the necessary for a prosecution. So in relation to this investigation by GWRC, I herby request the following information:
(a) a copy of the documents and correspondence GWRC has collated; and,
(b) if GWRC has come to a conclusion about prosecution under the RMA, a copy of the document that records: what the conclusion was, who came to that conclusion, the date, the reasons why, and the document that records that the person making that conclusion has the required delegation under the RMA.
(c) if GWRC has not come to a conclusion about prosecution under the RMA, a copy of the document that records the reasons why a decision has not yet been made."
"1. Has GWRC concluded its investigation.
2. If it hasn't concluded its investigation please provide me with the reasons and the expected time frame.
3. If GWRC has concluded its investigation what has the outcome of that.
4. If GWRC has concluded its investigation will it be proceeding with prosecution
5. If GWRC has concluded its investigation and is not proceeding with prosecution, the reasons why
6. If GWRC has concluded its investigation and is not proceeding with prosecution, a copy of all information that GWRC has relied upon in coming to this conclusion.
7. If GWRC has concluded its investigation and is proceeding with prosecution, information so I can understand the current status of those proceedings."