Response to LGOIMA request 2023-232 3 October 2023
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Request for information:
"I am writing to make a request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
It concerns maintenance of the Porirua Stream. I am aware that the Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) is responsible for cleaning debris or blockages in the stream, downstream from the arrestor near Churton Park.
Wellington City Council (WCC) is the responsible agency upstream of the arrestor. Unless the blockage relates to Stebbings Dam, which is the responsibility of GWRC.
Another exception would be when a blockage impacts a water line, in which case Wellington Water would be involved.
I know from talking to councillors and members of the community that this division of responsibility has sometimes been a source of confusion. It has not always been clear, even to council officers, who is responsible for what.
In light of this, I wanted to request the following information.
The number of incidents relating to debris or blockages in the stream cleared by the GWRC, broken down year-by-year, for each of the past five years.
Any email correspondence relating either to blockages or debris in the stream - including correspondence that was forwarded on from a different agency, or needed to be redirected to a different agency - dating back to the beginning of 2021."
On Thursday 21 September 2023, you agreed to refine your request for information to:
"correspondence about blockages or debris that include one or multiple other agencies (WCC, PCC, Wellington Water)"
For a copy of the attachments relating to this request please email