Response to LGOIMA request 2023-240 11 October 2023
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Request for information:
"1. What is GWRC doing to ensure the survival of the newly planted trees in the park? Specifically the trees currently being planted in the former horse paddocks?
2. How much extra (to already assigned funding) is this costing GWRC to ensure their survival?
3. What are the chances of the newly planted trees/wetland plants survival through a hot, dry summer?
4, Was the delay in the planting of these trees in the former horse paddocks due to the dry winter or to some other reason(s)? Please explain.
The Pony Club that resides at the Raumati end of QEP has been assigned new grazing areas.
1. How much land has been assigned to the Pony Club?
2. How much more land (or less) was this than they had before?
3. Is there a cap on the number of horses they can graze on this land? What is the change to previous horse grazing numbers allowed?
4. What buildings and land besides grazing paddocks have been made available to the Pony Club? What is the total land area?
5. Has there been future thinking as to where these pony club members will graze their horses once they leave Pony Club when grazing is increasingly difficult to find?
At the meeting (between GWRC, Kapiti Stables/grazers and MoE on Wednesday 2 November) [redacted] asked remaining grazers if they would like the use of the barn, previously used by Kapiti Stables business, for the storage of horse feed and gear. We accepted this offer. Following the meeting we would advised that we were not allowed the use of the barn as it was going to have work done on it and be used for flax weaving. Instead we were advised we could park a horse float outside the paddocks;.
1. Why has there not been any work carried out on the barn? Is there planned work to be carried out?
2. Is it still going to be used by flax weavers? If not, what is it going to be used for?
3. Why was the alternative storage option for us to park a horse float at the park when we were clear at the meeting that none of the remaining grazers had a horse float?"
"1. What is being done to manage fire risk in QEP?
2. What is being done to manage weeds in QEP? What is the cost of weed control in the last financial year?
3. What percentage of QEP is currently covered in gorse and other weeds?"
"1) We have been told that there will be a strip of tree planting taking place in Paddock 3. Please provide detail of the plans for Paddocks 1, 2, 3 and 4.
2) If there are plans for paddocks 1, 2, 3 and 4 please provide the timeline of work to be carried out and the costs for that work."