Response to LGOIMA request 2023-191 28 September 2023
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Request for information:
"(a) The inspections records file, including but not limited to:
(i) The sediment retention plans put in place throughout the Project;
(ii) Consent conditions;
(iii) Any detailed specifications required for sediment retention ponds ('SRP') and associated infrastructure;
(iv) As-built SRP plans and associated as-built plans;
(v) Inspection notices;
(vi) Replies to inspection notices;
(vii) Correspondence regarding compliance;
(viii) Meeting minutes and/or notes;
(ix) CPB's notices to GWRC of the mitigation and remedial works it planned and implemented prior to and following rain events, under the environmental regime.
(b) In relation to resource consent, environmental regulation, compliance and enforcement:
(i) the memoranda and email correspondence from the Transmission Gully SMPRP (Sediment Management Peer Review Panel) and all responses from GWRC and the CPB HEB Joint Venture in the period from 2016 0 2022;
(ii) the correspondence covering the time frame the Earthworks Compliance Reference Group (ECRG) operated in the period from 2016 - 2022;
(iii) the GWRC approved Transmission Gully SSEMPs, (for example: Transmission Gully SSEMP B1 - Stage 1 TG-CPBH-SSEMP-EN-0001 Revision 00, prepared by CPB HEB Joint Venture, dated 25/02/2016) in the period from 2016 - 2022;
(iv) the environmental compliance monitoring inspections named as "Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection" issued by GWRC, monitoring officer [redacted] in the period from 2016 - 2022;
(v) the 'Cease Work' instructions to the CPB HEB Joint Venture, to include all Abatement Notices issued by GWRC in the period from 2016 - 2022.
(vi) the resource consents on the Project, including the following categories in the period from 2016 - 2022:
Enabling Works:
1. Enabling Works Management Plan ('EWMP')
2. Network Utilities Management Plan ('NUMP')
3. Construction Health and Safety Plan
4. Noise Mitigation Plan ('NMP')
Main Works:
5. Construction Management Plan
6. Construction Environmental Management Plan ('CEMP'), including:
a. Contamination Land Management Plan ('CLMP')
b. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan ('ESCP')
c. Erosion and Sediment Control Monitoring Plan ('ESCMP')
d. Chemical Treatment Plan ('CTP')
e. Ecological Management and Monitoring Plan ('EMMP')
f. Forest Harvesting Plan ('FHP')
g. Ecological Mitigation Schedule
7. Site Specific Environmental Management Plans ('SSEMP')
8. Conservation Plans, including:
a. St Joseph's Church
b. Brick Fuel Containment Structure NZTA 18
9. Site Specific Traffic Management Plans ('SSTMP')
10. Inspection and Test Plan ('ITP')
11. Overall Staging Plan"
For a copy of the attachments relating to this request please email