Response to LGOIMA request 2023-238 16 October 2023
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Request for information:
"I would like some information to help a small group of people better input into next years planning round. My queries are:
1. Is there any work going on to renew the Wairarapa Coastal Strategy?
2. What work is going on in respect to updating the Greater Wellington Regional Coastal Plan?
3. In respect to informing planning - Has there ever been any inventory taken of coastal birdlife on the Wairarapa Coast - and also any inventory of other coastal native fauna such as marine mammals, geckos and lizards etc? I am thinking here of the coastline from Cape Turakirae to Mataikona North
4. Is there any planning underway to enhance the environment for these species on the coast?
5. Is there any work ongoing in council planning to enhance predator control work on the coast?
6. Is there any planning underway currently to enhance the protection of archeological sites (burial sites, stone walls, kainga, Pa sites etc) and flora associated with Maori settlement (Karaka groves, Renga Renga etc) on the Wairarapa coast?
7. Do prospective marine reserves come under a Greater Wellington coastal strategy or are they more likely to be discussed under some other Government document?
8. Is there any discussion in relevant planning departments or documents of Greater Wellington in respect to better protection for the Moa Bone caves in the Ruakokoputuna Valley? If not what Government Department and document would this work come under the auspices of?"